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FREE IPT ONLINE LECTURE Queering Peacebuilding: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Mittwoch, 9. September 2020, 09:00 - 10:30
kostenlosCaring Conversations for Peace and Justice
Here is the second lecture of the upcoming series:
Queering Peacebuilding: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
(Dr Henri Myrttinen, Lead Associate, Gender Associations)
Please kindly register the latest one week prior to the lecture: https://www.tfaforms.com/4842908
With our new format of “IPT Online Lecture Series” we intend to respond to pressing questions around peace, violence, conflict, and justice in our time. We invite renowned persons from academia, practice and advocacy around peacebuilding and social justice to share their insights, approaches, lessons learnt and more. Through the current and future series, we aim to contribute to meaningful, enriching, and generative exchange between scholars and practitioners striving for a world where conflicts can be addressed nonviolently, constructively, and sustainably.
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