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Crit Cross #18 // A Forum On Art Criticism
Dienstag, 13. Dezember 2022, 19:30
kostenlosCrit Cross is an open discussion group of current writing about art. It has the aim to create a platform for the sustainable promotion of art- and sociocritical dialogue as well as
art-related topics in Vienna. Furthermore, it aims to promote the ability to read and exchange critically. The premise of the project is that art texts are part of a social discourse, which also lives from direct exchange and that critical reflections on art and society are essential at a time when art is under pressure of justification in the face of shrinking resources and political change.
Keti Chukhrov, Art theorist, Philosopher, Writer, Artist, Moskow / Berlin
Moderation: Klaus Speidel, Crit Cross, Vienna
In cooperation with Verein K.
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