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Africa’s struggle for climate justice: Climate activism, Africa’s right for energy and Europe’s double standards
Donnerstag, 21. März 2024, 19:00 - 21:00

While Europe struggles to reduce its energy use, 600 million Africans have no access to electricity! Africa’s political and economic elites emphasize that development and industrialisation need transition energy from their oil and gas fields. They follow the approach: “Fossil extraction first, sustainable development later”. One of the most controversial investments is the 1.443 km long East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP).
The StopEACOP campaign warns against severe environmental threats and social damages like displacements. Experts refer to the risk of stranded assets and demand that the 4 billion US-Dollar should be used for renewable energy. A demand supported by the findings of the “Just Transition Africa Report” which says that Africa’s renewable energy potential is 50 times greater than the anticipated global electricity demand for the year 2040.
Yet, African climate activists not only face repression by their elites but are confronted with Europe’s double standards. Many European leaders made a pilgrimage to Africa to secure oil and gas supplies since Russia’s war in Ukraine. Activists demand that, following the “polluter pays principle” European countries and transnational companies should compensate for damages caused by their emissions and provide resources and technologies for a just and socio-ecological transition in Africa.
How to make sure that the investments in solar, wind and hydrogen energy will benefit African people instead of exporting it to Europe?
What can we learn from African activists about linking climate issues with social justice and gender equality?
How can activists in Europe and Africa collaborate to dismantle the cooperate colonialism?
This event is part of the conference “People’s Summit” in Vienna (March 21-24, 2024) and will bring together scientific, activist and policy perspectives on climate justice!
P A N E L:
Yacob Mulugetta
Professor of Energy and Development Policy (University College London) and co-author of the “Just Transition Africa Report”
Hamira Kobusingye
Climate and Gender justice activist in Uganda and the founder of Climate Justice Africa
Elfriede-Anna More
Deputy Director General for Climate and Energy at the Austrian Ministry for Climate Action
Francesca O’Brien
Speaker of the People’s Summit against European Gas Conference
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