- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
1 Million Lesbians! No single issue struggle.
Mittwoch, 12. Juni 2019, 20:00 - 23:30
kostenlosJoin us at this event of the EL*C during EuroPride Vienna 2019!
How do we build a lesbian movement throughout Europe and Central Asia? How can we be truly inclusive and support each other in the fight for our visibility, our rights and our well-being? And how do we smash all systems of oppression?
Faika El-Nagashi (Member of the Vienna Provincial Parliament and City Council)
Monica Benicio (Human Rights Defender, Brazil)
Discussion with
Olena Shevchenko (Founder and Director of Insight LGBTQ NGO, Ukraine)
Silvia Casalino (Chair EL*C EuroCentralAsian Lesbian* Community)
Henrie Dennis (Europride Ambassador, Founder and Director of ARA/Afro Rainbow Austria)
Music by
Join us for the discussion, finger food (vegan) and drinks!
The event will be held in English. The location is wheelchair accessible. Please show a screenshot of the FB-event at the entrance to the City Hall.
There will be a livestream of the event at the EL*C Facebook page.
With the support of:
Grüner Klub im Rathaus
Grünen Bildungswerkstatt Wien
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