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Transkulturalität_mdw Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung
Mittwoch, 24. Mai 2017, 17:00 - 20:00
kostenlos8. Termin: Queer Politics
Vortrag: Jack Halberstam; Queer-Aktivist, Autor, Philosoph
Visiting Professor of English and Comparative Literature and core faculty in Gender Studies, Columbia University
Full Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, USC
Areas of specialization: cultural studies, queer theory, Visual Culture, Gothic literature and the horror film, popular culture, film and video, feminist theory, gender studies.
“She’s Lost Control“: Auto Destructive Art and Sound
In new work under the heading of “The Queer Wild” I argue for new, wild, disorderly arrangements of life, death, risk and survival. I note the expiration of models of identity politics and use “wildness” to suggest that we have moved beyond the crude categories of identity that have organized human life for the last hundred and fifty years. As new understandings of life, purpose, health, risk, temporality and community emerge, we have to keep up with shifting landscapes of power rather than getting trapped in expired discussions of power, politics and futurity. This talk traces some art and sound projects that track the emergence and the disappearance of certain forms of identity, other modes of identification and projected futures. In the actions of auto destructive artists and in the vocalizations of singers like Grace Jones, Bjork and Ari Up, we witness and listen to the sound of breakdown, disintegration and rupture.
Künstlerischer Beitrag: Gin Müller
Dramaturg, Theaterwissenschafter, Performer_in*, Ar/ctivist.
Derzeit externer Lektor* an der Universität Wien (Theater-, Film-, Medienwissenschaft) und an der mdw (Institut für Kulturmanagement). Daneben eigene Theater/Performancearbeiten in Wien (brut) und Mexiko u.a.: Fantomas´ Monster 2016/17, „Dr. Kawis Erforschung des Einstellungsinventars der Liebesstile“ 2015/16, Trans Gender Moves 2014/15, Who shot the Princess? 2010/11, Melodrom 2012/13. Rebelodrom – NoborderZone 2013, Volxtheaterkarawane 2001-2004, Performanceband SV Damenkraft 2004-08. Aktiv im Refugee Protest Vienna 2012-2013, und seit 2014 bei Queer Base, dem LGBTIQ-Welcome and Support Projekt der Türkis Rosa Lila Villa.
the fear is mild – lovesong-abstracts for queer precarity and performance exercises with my electronic devices
Too much labour for love? Gin Müller will introduce and perform a couple of his DIY- „love-compositions” and exercises using Computer-Selfiecamera, Smartphone and Tablet. The selected text and song-arrangements are taken from former Performances (“Dr. Kawis investigation in the inventory of lovestiles“, “Melodrom – The making of a rebellious Telenovela“ ). Songs and pieces with a precarious touch of queer commonist lovepolitics and constant failures in longing for it…
Kommentar und Moderation: Rosa Reitsamer
Rosa Reitsamer, Assistenzprofessorin am Institut für Musiksoziologie an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.
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